
Download SPAN 0.6b with JConnect 2. (432 KB)

Download SPAN 0.6b without JConnect 2. (111 KB)
(Just copy jconn2.jar from the Sybase directory into the SPAN directory)

Installation The following simple steps should be followed to install span:
  1. Ensure you have Java 1.3 or above installed in your system. This can be downloaded for free from
  2. Make sure you have the environment variable JAVA_HOME pointing to your java base directory e.g. c:\program files\javasoft\jre
  3. Extract all files from the Zip package (using WinZip or any other zip utility) to a folder of your choice, e.g. c:\program files\SPAN
  4. If the SPAN package does not contain jconn2.jar then copy it from the Sybase directory into the SPAN directory.
  5. Go to the directory you created above and  run winspan (if running Windows) or unixspan (if running Linux or Solaris) to launch the program.

3307 visits since 11 Nov 2004.
